Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson. In the history of golf rivalries, has there ever been a closer, more controversial opposition (besides Happy Gilmore and Shooter McGavin, of course)? Although these two are friendly enough interpersonally, their fans have made quite a show of championing their favorite player and arguing against each other. [Read more…]
12 Swing Thoughts To Keep In Mind
Sometimes better driving comes down to what swing thoughts you are focusing on at the moment, and how relaxed or tense they make you feel. [Read more…]
The Most Exciting Holes On The PGA Tour
Even if you haven’t yet gotten the chance to play all the legendary golf courses on the PGA tour — like Pebble Beach, Augusta or TPC Sawgrass — chances are you’ve tuned into the Golf Channel or ESPN to watch your favorite pros clinch a birdie or clunk their way to a double bogey meltdown. [Read more…]